Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bullying is Never Tolerated

Bullying is NOT OK.

I was talking with a wish child the other day and she was telling me about being bullied in school. 

This really bothers me on many levels. 

Why do people feel that the only way to communicate with someone who is different in some way is to bully them?  

What happened to understanding, compassion and caring about others? 

Look into someone’s eyes, see their smile and hear their laugh, or just know that they have a heart and feelings the same as you. 

I have heard the reports of bullying from other wish children and their parents, and think, "How awful that these children, who already have too much to deal with, also have to deal with the unkindness of their peers who should be their friends and give them support and camaraderie."

One of our wish children wants to write a book for her senior project on bullying, I hope that she is able to accomplish this task and maybe it will create some gentle and caring thoughts and do away with bullying, at least to some degree. 

Maybe she will make a difference!

Pay attention to what your kids are saying to you, there is a good chance that they too, are being bullied in school, at play, on the bus, or even in the library.  Take a stand, friends!